The non-profit foundation held its annual fundraiser last week.

For this week’s , Woburn Patch’s weekly photo essay, photojournalist  was invited to photograph the Tanner Ta Tas’ annual fundraiser held Friday, March 28, at the .

The ‘ main goal is to provide women and families with Woburn ties support and assistance following a diagnosis of breast cancer. Over the past four years, the foundation has raised money for the Avon Foundation by way of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Boston.

The Tanner Ta Tas will continue to support the Avon Foundation by raising funds for the Avon Cancer Walks and this years team is getting ready for the Avon Two Day walk on May 15 and 16.

The team site here is for direct donations to the 2011 walk.

If you know of a woman who has a diagnosis of breast cancer and would like the support of the Tanner Ta Tas, please contact the foundation at

Tanner Ta Ta Foundation

A Registered 501(c)3 Charitable Organization
100 Tower Office Park Unit F
Woburn, MA 01801